Are you ready to RAGE?
Are you ready to RAGE?
Are you ready to RAGE?
Are you ready to RAGE?
Are you ready to RAGE?
Are you ready to RAGE?
A substance-free movement and embodiment experience
for women to turn our in-rage into out-rage.
Hi, are you angry?
As a woman in this world tying yourself in knots trying to please others.
Expected to do so much, only to never feel that you’re enough.
Dealing with systems that aren’t designed for you.
And then to make it all worse, you’re told that your anger is unwelcome, unacceptable, unladylike.
It’s enough to make a girl implode…
So let’s let it out together.

Let's turn our
in-rage into out-rage
Talk it out. Punch it out. Primal scream it out. DANCE it out…
So we can use it—and the relief and power we feel in accessing and expressing it—as fuel for all the things we want to breathe into existence in our lives.

Yeah, we're angry too.

RAGEher: A Girls’ Night Out Reimagined
This is exactly and nothing like the girls night outs at the club you’ve experienced:
- We’ll start with mocktails, connection, and reflection at the Tempest Tavern.
- Then we’ll hit the Fury Floor, where you’ll be guided through a multi-sensory experience to access and release anger and embody your power in community with other women.
- We’ll end the evening with sharing and snacks in a group decompresh sesh we call the Livid Lounge.
Our Rage Doulas, dressed in twinkle lights, will be with you throughout the experience to support you through any questions, thoughts, or feelings you may be having.
It’s time for women to turn our in-rage to out-rage.
To use our wrath towards purpose.
To change this motherlovin’ world.
Upcoming Events
RAGEher is coming to Chicago on these dates.
Past Events

The RAGEher team
Our story + depth of experience
RAGEher was created by Krissie McMenamin and Brenna Townley, two women on a multi-year journey of self-discovery, social and emotional intelligence development, embodiment, and getting in touch with our anger and the extraordinary benefits we have experienced.
We wanted other women to be able to experience what it feels like for anger to flow through our bodies. To feel that lifeforce energy. As a first step to doing something with it.
We both have master’s degrees in Transformational Leadership and Coaching, a two and a quarter year program where we not only studied psychology, human potential, neuroscience, emotional intelligence, and other related research, but also applied what we were learning to transform our own lives. Krissie also has an MBA from Kellogg at Northwestern.
We have poured so much intention, love, and thought into the journey we take women on at RAGEher. We ran multiple pilots and incorporated feedback to make each subsequent event just a bit more inclusive, safe, connected, and powerful.
We have engaged the most amazing group of Rage Doulas, the women responsible for creating a safe environment for attendees. Together, they have over 50 years of experience in therapy, coaching, and most are Master’s-educated coaches and therapists.
RAGEher was built over many months, taking in feedback from dozens of Ragelings and Doulas, using a strong foundation of psychology, neuroscience, and emotional intelligence.
At RAGEher, we believe:
- Our feelings are a gift. This includes ANGER!
- Feelings give us data about ourselves, but we often ignore that data because we’ve been taught to.
- When we feel angry about something, we are noticing an area where we yearn to make change, shift patterns and dynamics, and get satisfied.
- The full-body expression of anger as catharsis and release is a practice we can cultivate.
- It can be really uncomfortable to express our anger at first, BUT
- Our anger is inspiration and fuel when we let it course through our bodies in a safe, mindful process, by which reactive anger (which we tend to swallow…or express in ways that don’t serve us) becomes assertive anger that we can use.
- We can change the world with our rage.

RAGEher’s Club Rules
All who enter RAGEher must agree to the following:
- We created RAGEher for women, whether cis, trans, or fluid and currently embodying your woman self. And, California anti-discrimination law states public events cannot discriminate by gender and as such, we are inclusive to all.
- 18 and over please.
- Your journey is your own, and you own your journey, but you do not journey alone. In other words, you are responsible for how deep you go and what you get out of this experience.
- Please be open and curious about stepping into discomfort.
- Please take care of yourself first and foremost, knowing that your fellow Ragelings and the Rage Doulas are here to witness and support you.
- Honor other participants’ boundaries, space, and stories both during and after RAGEher.
- Share from your own experiences only; no advice or coaching.
- Absolutely NO physical harm to yourself or others.
- No mind-altering substances of any kind, including alcohol, drugs, etc.
- Many of us have experiences with trauma, and anger can be triggering. If you’re seeing a psychiatrist, psychologist, therapist, or other mental health professional, please consult with them before attending.
- If at any time during this experience your anger turns inwards, we invite you to stop.
Righteous Anger, Grounded & Expressed.
Dress to move. Dress to dance. Dress as your inner wild woman. Dress to impress yourself and yourself alone, whatever that means to you.
You will be in a room with people expressing their emotions physically and vocally. Expect loud noises and lots of movement.
There will be a designated area with comfy places to rest, soft things to grab onto, earplugs/noise-canceling headphones, notebooks and pens for journaling or vicious scribbling.
We try to ensure all RAGEher events are accessible. We will make note if this is not the case in specific cities or venues.
Rage Doulas are vetted coaches, counselors, or therapists who are present to hold space for you during this experience and ensure well-being and safety. If you are triggered, feeling
overwhelmed, or simply would like some extra support at any time during RAGEher, please find one of them.
Absolutely. We’ve been taught that it’s not okay for us, as women, to feel our anger—and many of us have suppressed and squashed it as a result. Whether or not you feel your rage, it’s probably there on some level. There’s righteous wrath behind the hard-earned coping mechanisms of every perfectionist, good girl, girlboss, and woman who ‘has it all together.’ This is a chance to peek behind the facade and explore anger for yourself, however it shows up for you.
Yes! Unexpressed anger is making women sick. These stats from Soraya Chemaly’s well-researched book, Rage Becomes Her: The Power of Women’s Anger, are scary and important.
“A whole spectrum of health issues is now clearly linked to how people feel and express anger, which directly affects our hormonal system, immunity against disease, heart function, muscles, and skeleton.”
● Women suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome at 4x the rate compared to men.
● Women are 3x more likely to develop disabling and painful autoimmune illnesses than men.
● Women with breast cancer who expressed their anger are 2x more likely to survive than
women who kept their anger to themselves.